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Zelensky Is A Kike

Zelensky’s Proclamations

Zelensky has just passed, alas not away, but he has passed a decree extending Ukraine’s implied sovereignty over Russian Federation regions which were originally populated

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Three Little Pigs

Three Little Pigs (Actually,  this is a sounder of about 30 heads of quite disgusting swine, not just 3 cute little pigs).  Check out this

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Happy New Year

Although this postcard was printed in 1914, the events of that year are still with us. The world war is not yet over. We are

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Warrant for Lukashenko

Today the Ukraine  Gestapo put Lukashenko on their wanted list. The media report that the SBU or the Ukraine’s Security Service issued an arrest warrant

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Nuclear trap

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan: “The US response to Russia’s use of nuclear weapons in Ukraiwill not depend on whether they are used on

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